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Social Media Marketing Services for Dealers

Elevate your social media presence with fully managed social media marketing services.

Book a free social media audit ($500 value)

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Rev up your car dealership's success with the power of social media marketing.

Did you know that a whopping 74%* of consumers rely on social networks to make their purchasing decisions? By harnessing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you can turbocharge your visibility, engage with customers on a personal level, and revitalize your sales. Don’t miss out on the chance to accelerate your brand authority and forge lasting connections with your target audience.


*stats based on external study by ODM Group

Track performance across your social media channels.

Gain valuable insights into all your social media channel perfromance managed by our social media experts at TAdvantage with detailed monthly reports. 

Supported social networks

Work alongside your dedicated social media specialist.

From content creation to audience engagement, our expert will ensure your brand stands out and thrives on various social media platforms. Let us take care of your social media presence while you focus on growing your business.

Are You Ready to Take Your Social Media to The Next Level?